I redid the first trailer shown for SaGa Frontier! I think it turned out really good, despite my difficulties with getting Soundtrap to do the music properly. Anyway, go watch it: Also there’s a Soundcloud link in the video description. – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games

Category: music
Many thanks to SkankinGarbage for helping out with this. This song wouldn’t be half as good without his advice. I’m really proud of how it turned out. Now to see if ItoKen will like it… – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games
I made a beatbox cover of a song called Violet by Ichika Nito. If you don’t know who he is, he’s an incredible guitarist from Japan and you should definitely subscribe to him now. You can watch the cover right here: – Michael Shaw, President/Founder of Flippin’ Fun Video Games
Hey, all! Face My Fears Acapella is now live on YouTube and Soundcloud! For those of you who don’t know, Face My Fears, by 宇多田ヒカルHikaru Utada and Skrillex, is the official theme song for Kingdom Hearts 3 (which btw is the greatest game ever and you should totally buy it cuz it’s on PS4 and […]