Shoutout to Sevon for helping with this page.
“170a,” etc. corresponds to 64thIR. Numbers = SP, a = item type, b = durability.
Illegal equipment
64thIR allows you to equip items that aren’t normally equipable. For example, you can equip armor in the Weapons column, weapons in the Armor column, and multiple armor of the same type. If you equip multiple armor (such as armor143 and Stardust Robe), you will be invincible with the exception of random LPB (life point break). Weapons equipped in the armor column have 0 attack power in party fights, but in duel fights they will have the same attack power as if they were equipped in the weapons column, so you can perform axe moves with the attack power of the Seven-Star Blade.
When equipping multiple weapons, other armor of the same type must be removed from the item list. For example, if a character with a SP of 40 is to be equipped with armor143 and Stardust Robe x3:
- Embed Stardust Robes with SP65, 70, and 95 via 64thIR
- Equip armor143 normally
- Use 64thIR with SP70 (30+40) and get the first Stardust Robe
- Use 64thIR with SP65 (40+20+5) and get the second Stardust Robe
- Use 64thIR with SP95 (40+20+20+15) and get the third Stardust Robe
- Restore the button config to default (erase the effect of SP95)
The SP values that are temporarily embedded need to be safe. Use an unused area or an area unaffected by a cleared scenario.
Physical arts on non-physical equipment
By equipping God Hand and Kaiser Knuckle, physical arts can be used by characters who are otherwise unable to. However, since they can’t equip a physical art, they have to spark it. In duels, God Hand’s can’t be used if it’s equipped in the Weapons section. Instead, it has to be equipped as armor in order to be used.
By the way, God Hand’s unique abilities can’t be used unless the other items with the corresponding Anima are equipped.
Increasing skill level
Flag manipulation allows for multiple fights against higher level enemies. The final party + Watts (William) and Greta should aim for Fire Lord and the other characters should aim for Anima Ghoul. Do not raise the SP of characters you are using for 64thIR.
It’s also possible to raise the skill level of four different weapon types in a single battle, with two exceptions:
- Items such as God Hand won’t raise the Martial Arts level of characters who normally can’t use it
- Gistaf’s Sword skill level won’t increase when using weapons equipped as armor
Example procedure for skill increases with Fire Lord:
- Defeat Fire Lord (get Nova Heart)
- Use 64thIR with SP338 to get one Anima Crystal (revives Fire Lord)
- Use 64thIR with SP397 to get Nova Heart (for a random stat increase)
- Get rid of extra items
- Return to the event location
Example procedure using Anima Ghoul instead:
- Defeat Fire Lord (get Nova Heart)
- Use 64thIR with SP337 to get another Anima Crystal (revives Anima Ghoul)
- Use 64thIR with SP397 to get the appropriate armor (e.g. Anima Crystal 65) (for a random stat increase)
- Get rid of extra items
- Exit and re-enter the area
If your skill level didn’t go up, you can soft reset and start over to reset the RNG values (they don’t have to be reset, but it’s easy to do). However, be careful not to get fixed equipment. Since it’s easy to raise SP in the Anima Ghoul fight, you can get good numbers.
Age training
You can train a character by changing the current year with SP416. For example, if you finish a scenario in the year 1190 or earlier, all characters’ current stats are considered equivalent to 0 years old, and the next time you do a scenario in 1305, the stats of your character will be added for the change from age 0 to that year. See the SaGa Frontier2wiki’s age section for the principle and amount of change in ability based on age. You can use this to increase or decrease your HP, LP, WP, SP and WP recovery.
Note that 65535 is the max HP value and 255 is the max value for all other stats. Any more and the overflow loops back to 0. However, it’s difficult to raise everyone’s stats below the overflow limit because multiple people change simultaneously. Therefore, it’s best to raise HP and LP moderately, taking care to keep your character’s WP and SP near their max values, and raise other characters’ WP and SP in battle. There’s no point in increasing your WP recovery, so you can ignore that stat. Also, SP changes, so you need to be creative to maintain SP416. For example, take advantage of the fact that the lower age limit is 0 and the upper age limit is 95.
An example of the past loop method using Sargon:
- Clear Life Tree Island
- Select Wil v. Egg (1257)
- Use 64thIR with SP183 to get Pasture (in To Cast a Rainbow)
- Use 64thIR with SP143 to get Tree Twig (Eleanor appears)
- Recruit Eleanor and Sargon (0 years old, SP416)
- Use 64thIR with SP137 to get Rocky Wall (Narcisse appears in the hut*)
- Use 64thIR with SP193 to get a blank slot with 2 durability (Wil v. Egg can be selected)**
- Use 64thIR with SP416 to get one Anima Crystal (changes the year to 494)
- Talk to Narcisse in the hut to end the event
- Repeat
*The hut is the house Narcisse acquired in Westia after retiring in Beyond Grand Valley
**I chose Wil v. Egg (1257) because I’m focusing on increasing Wil’s HP
An example of the future loop method using Wil:
- Select Into the Northern Continent (1306)
- Use 64thIR with SP416 on Wil to get 10 Anima Crystals (changes the year to 2798)
- Use 64thIR with SP195 to get Mushroom (Into the Northern Continent can be selected)
- Use 64thIR with SP142 to get Pasture (Ventarbre appears in the Thermes bar)
- Go into the bar and talk to Ventarbre to end the event
- Repeat
An example of the past-future alternating loop method using Primiera:
- Make Primiera’s remaining SP 236 in a 1305 scenario
- Use 64thIR with SP416 (236+30*6) to get one Anima Crystal (changes the year to 494)
- At the end of the scenario, select To Gustave’s Stronghold (1305)
- Fight with Primiera, lower your remaining SP from 255 to 250
- Finish the scenario and select Into the Northern Continent (1306)
- Use 64thIR with SP416 (251+15+30*5) on Wil to get 10 Anima Crystals (changes the year to 2798)
- Use 64thIR with SP195 to get Mushroom (Into the Northern Continent can be selected)
- Use 64thIR with SP142 to get Pasture (Ventarbre appears in the Thermes bar)
- Use 64thIR with SP193 to get a blank slot with 2 durability (To Gustave’s Stronghold can be selected)
- Go into the bar and talk to Ventarbre to end the event
- Select To Gustave’s Stronghold (1305)
- Finish the scenario and select the town scenario
- Use 64thIR with SP192 to get a blank slot with 2 durability (To Gustave’s Stronghold can be selected)
- Repeat
It doesn’t matter if you choose To Gustave’s Stronghold or not, as long as it’s a scenario in 1305. You can also raise your skills with Fire Lord while you’re at it.
By the way, you can also lower your abilities, but the lower limit is 0 at age 0.